A sense of place

When you think of places that you love – towns, cities, neighbourhoods, districts – what do you think of?

Childhood memories might be aimed at a park, playing fields, or leisure centre.  
But maybe also a shop – one stocked with sweets perhaps – or a restaurant
where you might be taken as a treat?

As you grow up, your workplace begins to loom large (not always good
memories😊) and so do the cafes and bars where you hung out with your
workmates.  And what about the shop where you bought the first clothes with
your new salary?  And perhaps the restaurant where you had a regular get-
together with your old friends?

I imagine that you can see where I’m taking this: shops, cafes and restaurants
are an integral part of our sense of what a place is, what it means to us.
This may or may not be news to you.  Or you may disagree? (Do tweet us your
thoughts).  But I don’t think it had really dawned on me until I started working at

And the best memories are from independents, of course.  Yes, we make our own
atmosphere when we’re out with friends, but nothing beats the sense of occasion
that an independent offers.

Indeed independents create the sense of a place, of a district, while corporate chain shops or restaurants dilute it – you could be anywhere.

So, we salute our growing band of customers, and all great shops, restaurants
and cafes that are busy building places and creating memories.

Viva Independents!